The Cellular Jail, also known as 'Kala Pani', is a national memorial located in Port Blair, Andaman Islands. Built by the British between 1896 and 1906, it was used to exile and imprison Indian political prisoners during the colonial rule. The jail complex, shaped like a flower with seven radial arms, originally had 698 cells where prisoners were kept in solitary confinement.Today, the Cellular Jail stands as a solemn reminder of the inhumane atrocities suffered by freedom fighters incarcerated here. Visitors can explore the museum, art gallery, and photo gallery to learn about the jail's history. The moving sound and light show, held every evening, brings alive the saga of the heroic freedom struggle. The jail complex is open from 9 AM to 5 PM (closed on Mondays), with the sound and light show at 6 PM (Hindi) and 7:15 PM (English).